A conversation with Erica
Health & Wellness Star Health & Wellness Star

A conversation with Erica

I have been practicing yoga off and on for many years at home. Summer 2019, I decided to visitLove Yoga Studio, a local black-owned studio run by a mother/daughter duo. I was having significant pain in my body at the time (from muscle flares), but after attending these yoga classes, I would feel amazing afterward. It was what I needed. Initially, doing the poses(Asanas) was challenging but my body could handle it. As a result, something clicked in my mind one day after class. I had a real gratitude moment where I put my face up to the sun and was thankful for having the pain.

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Peace & Happiness, A Muscle (Copy)
Health & Wellness Levar Health & Wellness Levar

Peace & Happiness, A Muscle (Copy)

do something that makes you happy, smile and feel free. The key to success with this GO DO is that it must be scheduled. Leaving it up to, “whenever I have time,” is a footprint to failure. The result of this exercise is that it alleviates the edge of seriousness towards life. Chill out, relax and stop being so hard on yourself. It’s ok to have fun!Many of our stressors are self-inflicted, but all of our happiness can be a choice.

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-Maya Angelou-

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”