Cleo Sol
I'm sure many of you have already heard Cleo Sol's music, but some of you may just be discovering her through this post. Cleo's music immediately puts me in a relaxed and calm state of mind and body. I don’t know if anyone has done the research and knows what hz her music is, but I'm guessing it's landing at all of the ones that help calm, relax and uplift spirits.

The Whitewashing of EDM
Kaytranada - I am not even going to front like I am a long-time fan of the Haitian-Canadian DJ. But I am very happy about his win for a couple of reasons. Besides being super talented, he’s black and he’s gay. In other words, he embodies the roots of the genre. Yes, in case you didn’t know, some of the most influential pioneers of this music were gay, black, or both. Whitewashing black contributions to American musical genres is nothing new. Please see rock ‘n roll, pop, jazz, and country music in particular for more background on that subject. But the erasure of EDM’s black American origins has been especially egregious. And just importantly, the central role of gay men in developing EDM music has also been largely overlooked.

-Maya Angelou-
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”